Investor Relations - Compliance Management

Compliance Management System

ATOSS Software SE's Compliance Management System comprises the rules, standards and processes intended to secure adherence to all relevant legal regulations and guidelines. The structure of the compliance organization, as well as the Compliance Management System, are attuned to the requirements and needs of the entire ATOSS Group.

We regard compliance first and foremost as a fundamental management task and as the joint responsibility of all management bodies in the ATOSS Group. We expect our managers to be visible role models in terms of their attitude and values, support the ATOSS corporate culture in all its aspects and convey our values and guidelines to our employees and business partners.

In addition, all company employees are obliged to follow binding regulations in the course of performing their assignments and activities, including the ATOSS Code of Conduct.

To ensure that our employees understand and observe these compliance regulations, we support them with targeted communication and regular information. 

In this context we offer employees throughout the Group the opportunity to report infringements of the Code of Conduct or the guidelines implemented in the Company anonymously and without repression. Any indications are consistently followed up in the interests of the Company and all stakeholders, whereby confidentiality and discretion are granted top priority. All matters reported through the anonymous Whistle Blower System to the Compliance Committee are investigated and fully addressed by the Compliance Committee. If necessary, the competent authorities are involved. Proven misconduct will be sanctioned. 

The regular review and assessment of risks specific to the Group represent further central components of the ATOSS Compliance Management System. These are based in particular on the results of the 6-monthly risk and compliance management survey as well as additional compliance audits conducted as the need arises. Supplementary action is derived from these results, if required, in order to avoid compliance risks. The insights gained from infringements reported are also used to continuously improve and refine the Compliance Management System as well as to guarantee its integrity and sustainability.

Responsibility for communication on all compliance subjects and for designing and monitoring the Compliance Management System lies with a Compliance Committee reporting directly to the Financial Director.

Your Contact to ATOSS Compliance-Comittee: 

Anonymous Whistle Blower System

ATOSS Software SE
Rosenheimerstraße 141h
81671 Munich

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Christof Leiber
Christof Leiber
Member of the Board of Management