Customer Services Mann telefoniert am Laptop

Excellent service is
our credo

Multilevel Support made to measure

Whether introduction, training or support: We accompany the entire life cycle of our products. We serve our customers with professional and competent support during the implementation, ongoing operations and the optimization or expansion of their ATOSS solutions. A transparent release strategy and the highest technology standards are a matter of course. Our clearly stated claim: We deliver added value – from the concept through to operations. Our high customer satisfaction ratings prove that we stand by our word.

Hotline Rating

We focus on customer satisfaction

We work tirelessly on our service quality. Our sophisticated quality management guarantees that we continuously improve the high level of performance of the ATOSS Customer Service Center. This is based on regular customer surveys conducted by an independent market research institute. Every two months, current users of the Customer Service Center are asked to assess our performance in an anonymous questionnaire. This yields objective results helping us to continuously improve our service levels. In 2022, our customers gave the hotline team a score of 1.95 - decidedly above the industry average. That gives us the powerful motivation and incentive to improve every day in every way. And our customers reap the benefits.

Comprehensive training concepts

Our training offerings are based on in-depth knowledge amassed through extensive experience and are aimed at practical relevance. Which is why our training sessions are not conducted by instructors but by experienced ATOSS consultants who spend a lot of their time working with our customers on location. The range of training courses we offer is perfectly tailored to the ATOSS solution portfolio and the wide diversity of user requirements. All of our courses are distinguished by their high quality standards and limited number of participants – leaving sufficient time for individual questions and thorough coaching.