Munich, 16. March 2020

Coronavirus: ATOSS is prepared

ATOSS Software AG, with headquarters in Munich and offices at eleven further locations in Germany and Europe, is prepared for the spreading of the coronavirus. The Management Board has been intensively concerned since the beginning of February with the new COVID 19 virus and its effects on businesses and the economy.

A dedicated emergency team is keeping the staff regularly informed and passing on detailed reports on the hygiene and behavioral recommendations issued by the Robert Koch Institute. The company is ensuring that these are adhered to with the greatest of care at all locations. Internal meetings are as far as possible being held digitally, business travel and event participations are subject to critical review and reduced to a necessary minimum. The currently applicable emergency plan for COVID-19 ensures that with immediate effect all employees are able to carry out their duties either by working from home or via a “split organization”. The object of these measures is to maintain the orderly course of business with as little interruption as possible under difficult circumstances, and offer customers the highest possible service levels.

The ATOSS Management Board and the emergency team will continue to monitor the situation closely and inform customers, employees and partners regularly regarding the latest developments at the company.

Download the press release here:

Would you like to find out more about our company? I would be pleased to be of assistance!

Dominik Laska Eschelbach
Dominik Laska-Eschelbach
Head of Communication
+49 89