The shortage of skilled workers does not stop at the retail sector. How does a retail giant like Hornbach deal with this major challenge? How is the "perfect triangle of interaction" created? For the do-it-yourself professional, both top customer service and sales optimisation are on the agenda. Equally important, however, is fairness and work-life balance for the employees. Jens Steinhorst, HR IT consultant, provides insights.
Jens Steinhorst, HR IT Consultant at Hornbach, talks in the webinar about how the interests of the company and employees can be reconciled.
HORNBACH Baumarkt AG uses ATOSS in all its stores, logistics centres and headquarters in nine countries. In total, there are over 25,000 users at more than 170 locations. A wide range of modules are used, from time management and automated workforce planning to Staff Center Mobile. The payroll systems in all nine HORNBACH regions are connected to ATOSS. When selecting a provider, it was important for us to have a uniform system across the group and a reliable partner in the background.
The aim of the introduction was to harmonise customer orientation, economic efficiency and employee orientation.
With the digitalisation of processes and workflows, the manual effort was significantly reduced. Due to the largely automated scheduling, we ensure a strongly customer-oriented planning and have a more accurate as well as more efficient planning. In addition, we have implemented our New Work models "working time made to measure" and "time off from salary" and also map these in ATOSS. This includes workflows, shift models, balances, reports and much more.
With the digitalisation of processes and workflows, the manual effort has been significantly reduced.
The employees are involved in the processes through the self services and can significantly influence their own working hours via the exchange exchange or working time preferences. There is also a high degree of transparency with regard to time accounts. Errors and violations of the law are minimised by the proactive warnings of task management.
Currently, the focus is on the connection of SAP SuccessFactors to ATOSS in terms of a holistic HR system landscape. In addition, we will further optimise our deployment planning and want to give employees even more flexibility and freedom. We have received requests from many regions for employees to schedule themselves.
Source: ATOSS Annual Report 2022